The Wiki + The Divine
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Ananke-spoiler "Once again, we return."

This article contains spoilers for Issue 11 of The Wicked + The Divine. Read at your own risk.

The Prometheus Gambit is a legend which states that a mortal who kills a god, generally after saying "Prometheus", will gain all of their powers. No successful attempts at this have been recorded.

Unsuccessful attempts include the attempt by Brunhilde to kill Woden at Fantheon, and the attempt by Duncan Ackford and Tom Wilkes to kill Lucifer on 1 January 2014.

Ananke later revealed that the gambit will not work for mortals, but death gods are able to extend their lives by killing another god. This information resulted in Baphomet attacking Urdr, and then later, Inanna. However it is possible that Ananke lied, in order to trick Baphomet into incriminating himself.


  • In Greek mythology, Prometheus is a Titan who moulded human beings out of clay. He also famously gave them the gift of fire, stolen from Mount Olympus. In this case, the killing of a god would be analogous to 'stealing their fire'. Mary Shelley (aka Woden)[1] referenced the Prometheus myth in her novel Frankenstein, subtitling it "The Modern Prometheus".

